3-digit Area Codes of USA - Telephone Area Code Shapefiles, Adobe Illustrator Vector files and QGIS USA Boundary Files
Telephone Area Codes of America are not our most popular dataset but it does get asked for every once in a while, so here it is. We’ve compiled all our telephone code data into one map which shows the USA and Southern Canada on one map with a WGS84 map projection. You can download the whole bundle of US Telephone Area Code Maps as vector editable adobe illustrator files, pdf, jpg and eps file formats. We’ve also included in the bundle a set of shapefiles for professional GIS users. The boundaries have been simplified to make them a more manageable file size.
We've created an online map coloring tool incorporating our NANP Telephone Area Codes map, USA Zipcode map and US Counties map which enable you to create territory maps, sales maps and delivery zone charging maps of the United States. Try it now for free with one of the green buttons below. These are completely seperate to purchasing the editable files for download.
North American Numbering Plan(NANP) divides America into 3 digit numerical areas. Each area is given a 3 digit number called an Area Code. This does NOT map to zipcodes or other postal area numbering system. This number is also prefixed to each telephone number which is why the term Telephone Area Code is used. The complexities of the numbering system are too large for us to deal with. We supply maps and mapping data, if you know what you’re looking for then we can usually supply it however we are not experts in the US telephone area code numbering system(we just create & sell the maps).
Once purchased, the downloaded is a bundle of vector editable files which means they can be easily modified using Adobe Illustrator or similar vector graphics packages.
Illustrator Layers Panel of the US Area Codes(Telephone codes) Map. All layers are 100% vector editable.
Also included in the USA Area Code files bundle is an excel spreadsheet containing a list of all the Area codes, the US State they are in and several additional columns of useful information. A simplified and styled version of the table is also included in the Adobe Illustrator file. This is saved as a separate layer so can be hidden with ease. All the file formats shown below are included in the “USA Area Code Map” download zip-file which are available immediately upon receipt of payment which can be made by AMEX, Credit/Debit card or paypal. (or give us a call to pay over the phone).
This map is vector editable which means it can be easily modified using Adobe Illustrator or similar vector graphics packages.
The Maps and Tables are all included in the bundle of files, made up of the file types shown below.
We’ve also compiled a set of GIS shapefiles and point files suitable for importation into QGIS or other GIS software applications. We’ve also included .QML stylesheets that can be used to customise each layer once imported into QGIS.