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Map Control Panel
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Create a Territory Map Quickly
Clicking the start button opens a dialog box with 2 initial options, ‘Show/Hide Map Key’ which does exactly what its name suggests, it hides the key on the map. It doesn’t delete the contents of the key; it just hides it from view while editing the map as well as when saving the map. This option is only available on a portrait map, the key is always present on a landscape map and cannot be hidden.
Clicking ‘Add New Name’ reveals another 2 options. A zone name edit box where you can enter the name or a territory or zone as you would like it to appear in the key. The number of characters you can enter in here is limited to 30. Special characters aren’t a good idea and using numbers with no characters isn’t a good idea. Always try and use meaningful names, it will make things easier later.
- Once you’ve entered a name in the box, click the green + button.
- The green + button has now disappeared and in its place 2 alternative buttons have appeared. The red cross deletes the name from the key on the map, deletes the text entry box we’re currently working on and removes any coloured areas on the map that are associated with that key name.
- Look towards the top right-hand corner of the map and you will see the name you just entered has appeared in the key alongside a coloured square.
- Inside the key on the actual map itself, click on the zone name that’s just been entered. The one with the coloured square next to it. Once clicked it should turn red in colour which means its ready to use and is the currently selected zone name.
- Next, click on any area on the map. It doesn’t matter where at this stage, just click any space on the map (try not to click on any characters or labels, click in the gaps). Click on a few areas and watch them all become coloured. Clicking on an already coloured area will un-colour it.
- The area you just clicked should now have turned the same colour as the coloured square next to the zone name in the key.
- If you want to change the colour of a zone name, click on the coloured square next to the desired zone name in the key at the top right corner of the map. This will bring up a colour palette, moving the mouse over the colours in the colour palette will change the corresponding coloured areas on the map as well as the coloured square next to the name in the key. Clicking on a colour will select it and the palette will vanish. You can also drag the colour palette out the way if required.
- You are now well on the way to completing your first map. You can continue to add zone names by clicking on the add new name button in the start menu (top left), you can have up to 52 different zone names and colours per map. If you need more than this. good luck.
Create a map with Sample Data
You must be logged in to the system for this to be available.
- Click on the Excel Menu towards the bottom of the panel of buttons on the left-hand side of the page.
- Click on the Import Excel Data button from the list of options. This will open a dialog box in the centre of the screen. (This part of the software has many features but for now we’re going to simply import some sample data. More about the complex excel import features will be discussed in the Detailed Excel Import features section).
- Click on the Sample Data button. This action will load up some sample data into the 2 columns on the left. This data will be relevant to the map type you are currently using.
- Whenever any kind of data is being imported whether its sample data or user prepared, the data needs to be validated before it can be imported. Click on the orange Check Data Button.
- You will see the results of the validation at the bottom of each column. Because we’re loading sample data the validation will have worked perfectly. This means the Green Create Map Button will now become active.
- Click on the green create map button.
- After a few seconds the dialog box will disappear, the map page will refresh, and a blank map will appear on screen. A few seconds later the map will automatically colour in with the sample data we imported. It is possible to manually customize this map by clicking on a name in the key and then clicking on the map.