Download individual 250k Vector Road Maps of the UK. Layered and editable in Adobe Illustrator.
This UK Roadmap dataset is our most detailed vector map available. Delivered as one huge fully layered Adobe Illustrator file which has been aesthetically styled to be clear and easy to read. We've also split the country into 14 individual tiles to make it easier to open and edit the area of map required, the whole country is included as individual tiles.
The scale of this vector map is 1:250,000 and it includes the whole of England, Scotland, Wales & the Isle of Man.
N.B. Unfortunately, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland aren’t included with this particular map.
The map is fully layered which means each of the different features is on their own layer, this makes it possible to show or hide specific features easily. It is a vector map so it’s possible to select all the A Roads and change their colour or thickness. You could change the font type or colour of the town or village names. It is possible to fully customise the map using Adobe Illustrator.
Split into 16 individual layered vector UK map tiles, they can be loaded into the same document to create a larger map,
This map is incredibly complicated so you must have a high specification of computer to open it in its entirety and edit it comfortably.
For this reason, I’ve split the country up into the following segments and created individual files of each area and included these in the download. You can open only one of these sections and edit this much more quickly and easily without having to load up all the data for the rest of the country which is not needed.
The image above is a small area taken from somewhere on the tile selected. It is NOT the full area of the tile.
Download a sample vector layered bundle of files in exactly the same format as those in the paid-for download.
Total Download Cost: £225.00 + VAT
(UK Map Editable Files Bundle )
N.B. Does NOT include Ireland or Republic of Ireland.
If you need any help selecting a specific area of the map at specific dimensions then send us a message once you've purchased the download and we'll help you out straight away. We can often create the are you need more quickly than doing it yourself. (You'll still have the whole bundle of files for your future use).